受入内諾書の申請 / Application for the Letter of Acceptance

Applicants who wish to enroll at Sophia University as a MEXT Scholarship student should apply for the “Letter of Acceptance” after passing the Primary Screening held by the Japanese embassy or consulate, by following the instructions below. Please note that the application documents must reach Sophia University no later than Friday, August 26.

Summer recess:
Sophia University will be closed from August 10 to August 18, 2022 due to summer recess. Please be noted that we cannot reply to emails and phone calls during this period. Furthermore, please also note that it may take more than three weeks to complete the document screening as most professors will be away from the campus from August through mid-September.

受入内諾書の申請手順 / Application procedure for the Letter of Acceptance


  • インフォメーションシート こちらよりダウンロード 【Word】(32.60 KB)【PDF】(587.15 KB)
  • 大使館推薦の1次審査合格証明書のコピー
  • 大使館・領事館に提出した申請書類のコピー(申請書、研究計画書、出身大学の成績証明書、別紙等全て)
  • 日本語もしくは英語(TOEIC・TOEFL・IELTSなど)の語学能力証明書(取得している場合)


Applicants who wish to enroll at Sophia University as a MEXT Scholarship student should apply for a “Letter of Acceptance” after passing the Primary Screening held by the Japanese embassy or consulate. To apply for a Letter of Acceptance, please send the following items by email:

Copy of the Certificate of the preliminary selection issued by the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General
Copy of all application documents submitted to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General
(Application form, research plan, official university transcript, other attachments, etc.)
Copy of certificate of language proficiency, either in Japanese or English (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, etc) (If available)

Applicants who are not native English speakers but wish to enroll in English-taught programs should submit a certificate of English proficiency in principle. If the applicant does not have any certificates of English proficiency, please submit a support letter written by a professor who can prove the applicant’s English proficiency. If English is the medium of instruction at the applicant’s university (meaning that the courses are provided entirely in English), a letter issued by the university stating this fact can also be accepted as proof of English proficiency.

Document screening for issuing a Letter of Acceptance usually takes around three weeks.
If the application is accepted, the Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the address on the “Information Sheet.” If it is not, we will be notify the applicant by email.


上智大学の大学院に関する情報 / Information of graduate programs at Sophia University
http://www.sophia.ac.jp/jpn/program/G(日本語 Japanese)
https://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/admissions/graduate_p/index.html(英語 English)

各研究科の指導教員に関する情報 / Information of Sophia researchers
https://redb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/?lang=japanese(日本語 Japanese)
https://redb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/?lang=english(英語 English)

