11 Oct 2021: Special Online Symposium on “Challenges for Global Health Governance under the Pandemic”, with Maria Espinosa, Former President of UN General Assembly
Sophia Institute of International Relations (co-hosted by Sophia Institute for Human Security and Center for Global Education and Discovery) hosted the special online symposium with the keynote speech by Ms. Maria Espinosa, President of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly, on “Challenges of Global Health Governance under the Pandemic.”
Ms. Espinosa served the UN General Assembly as the President from 2018 to 2019. Together with leading experts and students from all over the world, there was active discussion on how the global pandemic can be solved globally.
The symposium obtained about 400 participants from all over the world and had an active debate on how to advance global solution on the Covid-19 pandemic, including the distribution of the vaccines to the third world.
Prof. Daisaku Higashi (Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University) negotiated, coordinated, and moderated the symposium. There were initial remarks by Prof. Tetsuo Morishita (Vice President for Global Academic Affairs, Sophia University) as well as Mr. Masao Torii (President, Sophia University Alumni Association).
The commentators include Prof. Kayo Takuma (Faculty of Law, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Prof. Makiko Deguchi (Director, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University), and Dr. Richard Ponzio (Director, Global Governance, Justice & Security, Stimson Center in the United States).
You may see the entire session by video in the link below:
Online Symposium on 11 Oct 2021