An online event “Virtual Campus Tour” for exchange students

In the autumn semester 2021, we held an online event “virtual campus tour.” We held it four times from 21 to 24 September, and a lot of exchange students and Sophia supporter students joined it.
This event was a new style of virtual campus tour, proceeding real time via zoom. Sophia staff showed the exchange students around the campus with a camera, and the supporter students introduced the campus and university life in English along with the image. The first stop was Building 6, and then they showed ten spots including the main street, library, pilotis, Building 1 (the oldest building in Sophia), and they enjoyed the scenery of Tokyo, seeing Shinjuku from the terrace of the cafeteria in the Building 2 at the end. Supporter students explained the campus, while they asked about universities where exchange students study, and they had interactive interaction.

After the campus tour, we made time for Sophia supporter students and exchange students to interact with each other freely, the conversation got excited, and we found them enjoying. Exchange students still cannot come to Japan, but this virtual campus tour was a great opportunity for exchange students to feel the campus close and to interact with Japanese students.