1-6 Sophia University Career options

1-6-1 Undergraduate career option trends

In AY2022, the rate of grasping the career path of graduates was 97.4%.
With the restoration of companies’ willingness to hire graduates, the employment rate of graduates seeking employment has increased for three consecutive years since AY2020.

Faculties (Humanities): Faculties other than the Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculties (Sciences): Faculty of Science and Technology

1-6-2 Employment trends by industry by Faculty

The number of graduates who find a job in “Telecommunications” increased for three consecutive years, accounting for more than a quarter (26.9%) of all graduates who found jobs. As a result, “Manufacturing” and “Finance” decreased slightly for three consecutive years. By faculty, a relatively high percentage of graduates of the Faculty of Theology found jobs in “Research Professionals and Services,” graduates of the Faculty of Global Studies and the Faculty of Science and Technology in “Manufacturing,” graduates of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics in “Finance,” and graduates of the Faculty of Foreign Studies in “Wholesale and Retail.”
Moreover, the service industry, medical and welfare services, electricity and gas services and other services are classified under “Other Industries.” The reason why many graduates of the Faculty of Human Sciences found jobs in “Other Industries” is that most graduates of the Department of Nursing take employment in the medical service sector.

1-6-3 Graduate career option trends

The percentage of graduate students who found employment among those seeking employment decreased by 6 points from last year. This is because overseas students, who account for a high percentage of graduate students, were delayed in entering Japan in AY2020 owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and started late with their job-hunting schedule in Japan.

Graduate schools: Humanities (predoctoral and master’s programs other than Science and Technology)
Graduate schools: Sciences (predoctoral program in science and technology)

1-6-4 Successful candidates of National Public Employee Recruitment Examinations

No significant change can be observed in the overall number of successful examinees during the last 10 years until AY2022. Sophia University has produced successful Certified Nurse and Public Health Nurse examinees from AY2014, when the Department of Nursing was completed.
Statistics for the national exams for Certified Midwives have been accumulated since AY2016, when its first group of enrollees completed the Course of Midwifery.

1-6-5 Employment in companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market

Many students who were hired by private enterprises were employed by companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, that is, 27.6% of undergraduate students with humanities degrees, 37.3% of undergraduate students with science degrees, and 56.0% of graduate students with science degrees.
Until AY2021, the number of students employed by companies listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was counted, and since AY2022, the number of students employed by companies listed on the Prime Market has been counted. The number of companies listed on the Prime Market is smaller than those listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange,(*) so the percentage of employment of undergraduate students by listed companies is low.

* The number of companies listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of March 2022: 2,176; those listed on the Prime Market as of March 2023: 1,834

1-6-6 Satisfaction with career decisions

The level of satisfaction with career decisions was asked as an optional question on the career decision questionnaire but has been asked as a mandatory question from AY2020. The overall level of satisfaction was higher than the last year, with 86.3% of undergraduates and 82.9% of graduates responding “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with their career decision, an increase of 2.5 points and 4.6 points, respectively.
Employment satisfaction of students who studied abroad is particularly high at 88.1%.

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