The Counseling Services is offering remote as well as in-person counseling sessions by appointment.
Please call us to make an appointment (03-3238-3559).
To find out more about remote and in-person services, please go to the bulletin board on Loyola, under the second category, Counseling, in the first category, Student life.

On and off campus resources:

TELL Lifeline

Counseling Services
Phone: 03-3238-3559
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-11:30am, 1:00pm-4:30pm

Counseling Services

University life can be exciting, but it can also generate academic, emotional, and social concerns. Most of you may experience these, and it is common to feel overwhelmed or to have difficulty in dealing with stress. At times these concerns can make it difficult for some of you to function as well as you normally do. We consider it to be a sign of strength to recognize when you may need help. It is also the first step in solving any difficulty.
The Counseling Services offers a safe and confidential setting where you can look at yourself and your environment and explore your options with a counselor. Through this process you will be better able to deal with your concerns, make better decisions for yourself, and make the most of your time at Sophia University.

Individual and Group Counseling

Counseling Services is available in both English and in Japanese. We provide assistance in dealing with concerns which include stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, adjustment challenges, relationship difficulties, identity issues, managing an existing mental health condition, academic performance, career options, etc.
When you wish to receive our services, please make an initial appointment either in person or by phone, and notify us when canceling an appointment. Each counseling session is 45-minute long, and confidentiality is strictly maintained. All services are free of charge.

International Students and Students with Diverse Backgrounds

As an international student and/or as a student with diverse background, you bring unique and valuable experience with you to Sophia University. Your diverse background (family background, nationality, race and ethnicity, where you were born and raised, where you were educated, etc.) will enhance the student body and Sophia University. It is important to note, however, that you may go through some unique stressors during your time at Sophia University. In addition to what a college student generally experiences, you may experience some cultural differences and have difficulty adjusting. You may also experience homesickness and difficulty getting along with others. You may also have a pre-existing mental health condition or issues that you’ve been working on. These stressors may sometimes make you feel anxious, depressed, and socially isolated. Although a certain level of stress is expected, you need to be able to recognize when you may need help.
Seeking help outside your family and discussing your personal issues with a counselor may not be acceptable in some cultures. It may also mean that you have a serious problem in some countries. It does not, however, mean the same at Sophia University. We consider it to be a strength and one of the ways to take care of yourself.
A number of international students and students with diverse backgrounds as well as Japanese students come to the Counseling Services and seek counseling.
Some of the concerns discussed in counseling sessions include, but are not limited to, cultural adjustment, homesickness, managing daily life, academic performance: relationship issues such as long distance relationships and making friends, family issues: emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.
Counselors are sensitive to multicultural issues. Counseling is confidential, and it is free.

To the Faculty and Staff

Consultation Services

What is Consultation?

Consultation is a meeting with mental health professionals who provide support to the key individual who is directly involved with the person experiencing psychological difficulties. As psychology and psychiatry specialists, they can assist the key individual in resolving the issues more effectively. (The university can be positioned as one of the local communities.)
For example, when dealing with A, who bullies other children in elementary school, the homeroom teacher is the key individual. Consultation is a way for the teacher to understand and cope with A better, with the help of a variety of experts.
Please feel free to talk with the Counseling Services if you have any concerns about student life or behavior, or if you have any concerns about how to work with students who may be having difficulties. Please let us know before you make a visit.

To Students’ Families

Early intervention is important for psychological and mental health issues. Since it is important for students to be motivated to solve their own problems, it is best for them to go to the Counseling Center and work through their issues and concerns. However, depending on the situation, the student may be reluctant to go to the Counseling Services. In this case, it is also possible for families to visit the counseling center without the student. Students may join family consultations if they wish. Referrals can be made to other departments and agencies based on the consultation.
Please be aware that we are not allowed to disclose what they discuss in counseling sessions without their consent.

A Request to Students’ Families

Please encourage your student to contact the Counseling Services. If you have discussed your student with the Counseling Services, please notify them of your visit. Full transparency is encouraged so that the student is aware, and trust can be developed. By informing your student of the visit, they may be encouraged to seek help. During the counseling process, we may also ask for your help in resolving or improving the students’ issues. Your cooperation is much appreciated. The Counseling Services staff would like to work with students and their families to help improve student life and growth. Please do not hesitate to contact us .

Office Location and Hours

Office Location and Hours:
Counseling Services
Room 303, Building 10
Yotsuya Campus
Mondays-Fridays 9:30-11:30am, 1:00-4:30pm
Phone: 03-3238-3559

In Case of Emergency the following resource may be used:
TELL Lifeline

Inquiries about the contents of this page

Department Name               Counseling Services

Contact                                    03-3238-3559

Location                                   Bldg.10, 3F