Flow of Procedure
The characteristics and degree of disability as well as what kind of environmental adjustments are needed may differ according to the student. Reasonable accommodation should not be formulaically determined solely based on what kind of disability the student has, but rather by looking at their supporting documents and thoroughly grasping their characteristics and the circumstances of each student to carefully consider the necessity/rationality of individual consideration.
Therefore, the University requires a measure of time to make a decision on what kind of reasonable accommodation to provide. As it may take one to two months from the application acceptance to completion of the procedure and official approval, please contact the Coordinator for Students with Special Needs early if you require reasonable accommodation at Sophia University.

1. Consultation reception
Those who require reasonable accommodation in their university life due to their disability can use the contact information below.
・Applications for the initial consultation should be made via email.
・Please state your “student ID No. ”, “name”, “name of disability (diagnosis)”, and “topic of consultation”.
Health and Wellbeing Center (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs)
Email: with_others-co@sophia.ac.jp
TEL: 03-3238-4088
Reception hours: weekdays (excluding the days the university office is closed) 10:00-11:30, 12:30-17:00
*To the Family
The implementation of the support system of students with disabilities is activated upon request of the student. It is possible for families to express their concerns to the University, but only the student themselves can request support.
If there are any concerns about a disability or have a belief that a student could benefit from disability support, please encourage them to seek support through the contact information listed above.
2. An interview by the Health and Wellbeing Center (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs)
The staff of the Health and Wellbeing Center (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs) will interview the student with a disability, asking about the details of the disability as well as the type of support needed for campus life and hospital visits.
3. Accepting applications for reasonable accommodation
The following documents are requested for the application:
Please note that the application deadlines are set for each semester.
<Application Documents>
①Application form for reasonable accommodation
Subject: Everyone
This application sent to the university should be filled out by the students themselves.
The designated format will be handed out after the “2. An interview by the Health and Wellbeing Center (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs)”.
②Medical certificate issued by a medical institution <original copy> *Within 3 months of the issue date
Subject: Everyone
This will be used as a supporting document by the university when considering reasonable accommodation for their studies.
The university-designated format or other formats designated by medical institutions
*In the case of formats designated by medical institutions, all of the “necessary items” specified by the university must be included.
*The university-designated format will be handed out after the “2. An interview by the Health and Wellbeing Center (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs)”
③Report of examination results <copy> *The latest report within 24 months of the examination date.
Subject: Students with developmental disabilities (required)
※Reports on examination results…objective documents that determine the need for considerations regarding the developmental disability
④Disability certificate “Shogaisha Techo” <copy>
Subject: Students who have the certificate (optional)
※Certificates that have not expired if the certificate has an expiry date or recertification date.
※We may ask for additional documents if necessary.
<Application Deadline>
Spring Semester: End of May/ Autumn Semester: November 15th (*If that day is assigned the university office closure, the deadlines are the day before.)
*After your application documents are accepted, it will take a certain amount of time before a decision is made on whether to provide reasonable accommodation (it may take about 1-2 months from the time your application is accepted).
*Reasonable accommodation for their studies will not be applied retroactively to periods prior to the university’s approval. Please give yourself extra time when applying for it.
*We will continue to receive enquiries even after the deadline for the application documents above. If you would like to consult, please contact us by email.
4. Consideration of reasonable accommodation
Based on the supporting documents and interviews conducted by the Coordinator for Students with Special Needs, whether the requests applied can be provided according to reason and the University rules will be discussed with the faculty and staff of the relevant department. Interviews will also be held if necessary.
5. Determination of reasonable accommodation
After thoroughly reviewing the contents of the interview, a decision of whether an accommodation will be provided or not will be made.
*Arrangement requests that include facilities and equipment and student life outside of the classroom will be considered appropriately. Please keep in mind that it may be difficult or time-consuming to handle requests for items that require large-scale repairs or purchasing of equipment.
*Upon approval from the Vice President (Academic Affairs/Student General Affairs), the request will be turned in to the faculties of the classes that the student is taking. After releasing the document, detailed considerations for each class will be discussed and adjusted between the student and each class professor within the determined range of reasonable accommodation.
6. Review for each semester
The student’s circumstances during a semester will be reviewed after the Final Examination period of each semester. We will also confirm whether there are any changes in disability conditions and reasonable accommodations to be requested for the next semester.
※We also accept consultations to review the considerations during a semester.
7. Continuation of reasonable accommodations
Students who wish to continue with reasonable accommodations must go through the application process each semester. Please note that reasonable accommodations will not automatically continue in the next semester without confirmation from the student.
※Students who would like to request any new reasonable accommodation must submit a medical certificate as the basis for the necessity of the new consideration.
※Students who applied for consideration due to disabilities (mental disorders, etc.) with changing symptoms must submit the latest medical certificate (within 3 months of the issue date) during the renewal process even if there were no changes in requested considerations.
The role of us (A message from the Coordinator for the Students with Special Needs)

We are the primary consultation window in the University that receives inquiries from students who require support or consideration in their studies due to their disabilities. We will have constructive discussions with each student to ask for more details and take on the role of coordinator that makes possible adjustments for reasonable accommodations.
In cases requiring support/consideration in a student’s life, such as classes, students will take the initiative in consulting with the school. The students’ wishes will be respected and valued during the process of considering reasonable accommodations.
We provide the needed advice and support in order to help students take a step forward in consulting or applying for support.