Basic Policy for Use of Sophia University’s Academic Support for Students with Disabilities

Basic Philosophy

Sophia University inherits the Jesuit educational spirit “For Others, With Others”. We believe that the existence of all humanity is good and all are equal in dignity. Therefore, it is our ambition that the entire student body works diligently while employing the best of their abilities, so they can be useful human resources to others.
In addition to the University’s philosophy, based on the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006, we have been eliminating unfair and discriminatory treatment of students with disabilities.
Sophia University will provide reasonable accommodation* to them in order that they can proceed with their studies and research by discussing with each student the best course of action.
In addition, all students will deepen their understanding of disabilities, practice actions with the perspective of the individual with a disability in mind, and aim for a inclusive society.

*What is Reasonable Accommodation?

Article 2 of the “Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, states that “‘Reasonable accommodation’ means necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;”.

At Sophia University, in situations where a student cannot obtain the environment or information necessary for their studies due to their disability during a class, experiment, or practical training, the above applies to the changes or adjustments made by the University to fairly determine the level of the student’s individual progress to ensure that they can receive the required environment or information.

  • In principle, the decision of reasonable accommodation should not change the University’s “essence of education”.
  • Reasonable accommodation involves the adjustments made in the study environment and information to break down the “social barrier” against disabilities and does not guarantee credits or being able to graduate.


Support Eligibility

Students who are enrolled in Sophia University and have significant restrictions regarding the environment and information necessary for their studies and research due to their disabilities.
The basic range of support includes help in classes, practical training, examinations, university events, etc.


The aim is to support students with disabilities to improve their skills by focusing on the 3 goals that are essential both in university and in their life after graduation.

  1. Ability to request help: students learn how to ask for the help needed when in trouble
  2. Ability to deepen self-understanding: students learn about what they excel at and what they struggle with in order to gain self-confidence and pursue a satisfactory life
  3. Creativity: students change their perspective or take creative approaches to increase what they can do on their own