Poster Design for World No Tobacco Day
Sophia University calls for students who can collaborate with our faculties and staffs aiming for a smoke-free environment. We were looking for poster design for World No Tobacco Day, May 31st. We aimed that the design would make smokers think more about quitting smoking especially during this long “staying-in home” period. Following five posters were chosen for the awards from many great works were submitted.
金賞 Gold Award
三原黎香(国際教養学部 国際教養学科 2学年)
Reika Mihara Faculty of Liberal Arts, Dept. of Liberal Arts, 2nd year

This poster features smoking as a huge burden, both physically and mentally. The boy, who is modeled after Ninomiya Kinjiro, tells how comfortable it will be to study if you stop smoking. Why don’t you lay down your heavy load now?
銀賞 Silver Award
高橋唯(文学部 国文学科 1学年)
Yui Takahashi Faculty of Humanities, Dept. of Japanese Literature, 1st year

“Stay home”が求められる現在の世の中において、「個人だけでなく、人と生活を共にする上でも禁煙を大切にしてほしい」ということをモチーフにしたデザインを考えました。ポスター中に二人の人物を配置し、タバコとマグカップを持たせました。マグカップはおうち時間のシンボルであり、生活に悪影響を及ぼすタバコと対比させました。また、タバコから上る煙とマグカップから上る湯気とを引き合わせることにより、互いの違いを印象づけることを狙いました。中央部分のスローガンは1988年開催の世界禁煙デーのものです。健康のために家にいる今だからこそ、このスローガンについてもう一度考えてみるべきではないかと思い、使用しました。
We “stay home” in this COVID-19 epidemic, so I decided on “thinking about no-smoking during living with others” as motif.
In poster, I lay out two characters and draw cigarette and mug on each character’s hand. Mug is the symbolization of spending time in home. I aim to make an impression of cigarette’s harmful effect by contrast with this. Moreover, I also make the difference between the smoke coming from the cigarette and the steam coming from the mug to be contrasted with each other.
The slogan in the middle section is from World No Tobacco Day 1988. Now that we are at home for our health, we should think again about this slogan.
銅賞 Bronze Award
KANG YU(地球環境学研究科 地球環境学専攻 博士前期課程 1学年)
KANG YU Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Master’s Program in Global Environmental Studies, 1st year

In recent years,the number of wildfires caused by human activities.
Cigarettes are a cause of wildfires. Makes sense — they’re certainly burning and they’re easy to flick out of sight when a smoke break is over. But the careless toss of a still-burning cigarette butt can have serious consequences if it catches a forest on fire.
Hey guys — don’t just drop that cigarette when you’re through.
学生センター賞 Center for Student Affairs Award
佐々木 悠香(文学部 フランス文学科 2学年)
Yuka Sasaki Faculty of Humanities, Dept. of French Literature, 2nd year

Smoking seriously affects not only yourself but also people around you. I spared most of making time to think out the composition and color combination. When you stand in front of my work, you might feel as if you set fire on the beautiful world you should protect from smoke. I hope you will realize how risky smoking is.
保健センター賞 Health Center Award
小松里奈(理工学研究科 理工学専攻情報学領域 博士後期課程 2学年)
Rina Komatsu Graduate School of Science and Technology, Doctoral Program in Science and Technology, Field of Information Science, 2nd year

5月31日が世界禁煙デーとのことなので、(おそらく)万国共通の娯楽ゲームであるトランプをモチーフに作成しました。禁煙のFour of a Kindで健康を勝ち通しましょう。
May 31st is “World No Tobacco Day”. For this international day, I chose trump which is well known card game (probably) all over the world as the theme of this poster. Holding YOUR cards: Four of a Kind consisting of Non-Smoking, let’s have joyful life with your health!