Bookmark Design for World No Tobacco Day
For the 2021 student project, we called for bookmark designs based on the themes of (1) triggers for quitting smoking, (2) not becoming a smoker, and (3) being careful not to passively smoke.
From the designs submitted, we were able to see a wide range of ideas and innovations for a tobacco-free environment. We hope that experiencing the various thoughts and ideas will encourage people to think about tobacco.
“Sophia – Bringing the World Together” Award

小山 杏美 総合人間科学部看護学科 1学年
Koyama Ami Department of Nursing, Faculty of Human Sciences, 1st year
Smoking does nothing but harm, but there are some smokers who use smoking as a way to relax. Smoking may be necessary for their peace of mind, but from a health perspective, smoking is harmful and cannot be recommended. I thought that making people think about these two aspects would help them to stop smoking.
The upper side of the bookmark represents clear, smokeless air. In the center, I designed a cigarette with smoke coming out of it, illuminated by a spotlight. On the bottom side, I depicted cigarette smoke and human lungs. There is a reason why the lungs are drawn upside down.
In this bookmark, the side with the blue air is the upper side where the text can be read. If you turn the bookmark over and put the lower part of the cigarette smoke and lungs on the upper side, the whole bookmark will look like the shape of a human body. The black lungs represent a health hazard, referring to the fact that the lungs of serious smokers are black.
I would like to convey a message to those who pick up the bookmark: When you start smoking, don’t be pulled in by temporary emotions such as curiosity or escaping reality, but change your perspective and look at the two sides of tobacco to see what happens to you when you smoke.
“for Others, with Others”賞
“for Others, with Others” Award

滝口 敦盛 文学部史学科 2学年
Takiguchi Atsumori Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, 2nd year
It was not designed to directly warn people about the horrors of smoking or passive smoking, but rather to make the viewer understand the intent of the design while enjoying it as much as possible.
SDGs Campus Award

N. A. 文学部哲学科 1学年
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, 1st year
Inspired by people smoking on the street while chatting and laughing with masks hanging on their chins, I created this work on the theme of “you have to lift your mask in order to smoke.” The idea is to encourage people to be vigilant about COVID-19 as an incentive to quit smoking.

濱北 満里奈 総合グローバル学部総合グローバル学科 1学年
Hamakita Marina Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies, 1st year
The flower that the white bird is carrying is called “Strelitzia”, which has the flower language of “bright future”. This flower expresses the hope for a tobacco-free world, where people’s health as well as the environment, including nature, will be improved if they do not smoke. Tobacco affects not only human beings but also the natural environment. I would be happy if this flower could help people think about the impact of tobacco once again.

F. M. 総合人間科学部社会福祉学科 1学年
Department of Social Services, Faculty of Human Sciences, 1st year
A zombie representation of the toxins produced by cigarettes is chasing smokers with the words, “Let’s quit smoking.” The main theme of this project was to encourage people to quit smoking, but we also wanted to express the dangers of tobacco so as not to increase the number of smokers.

K. R. 文学部哲学科 1学年
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, 1st year
I expressed how much money it costs to keep buying cigarettes. A lot of coins are drawn behind the cigarette package.

O. K. 外国語学部英語学科 3学年
Department of English Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies, 3rd year
Personally, I am very uncomfortable with cigarette smoke and smokers’ breath. I simply expressed the point that there are people around smokers who feel uncomfortable.

阿部 光太郎 経済学部経済学科 3学年
Abe Kotaro Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, 3rd year
I used cells and fruit as the motif of the bookmark. The concept is not to relieve daily stress by smoking, but to nurture a rich body at the cellular level with the reliable nutrition of fruits. I hope that the world will be filled with people who do not start smoking and take care of their own bodies and minds.

佐々木 悠香 文学部フランス文学科 3学年
Sasaki Yuka Department of French Literature, Faculty of Humanities, 3rd year
I thought that one way to reduce the damage caused by passive smoking is not only to enforce the ban on smokers, but also for non-smokers to understand its toxicity and take action to protect themselves.
A tobacco lady wearing a toxic component calls out, “You’d better stay away from me.” I hope she will catch your attention as a charming villain who helps raise awareness and consciously protects herself from cigarette smoke.