1-3 Sophia University Research

1-3-1 Research Literature

Bibliographical and citation data generated by SciVal from Scopus and produced as a plot (data retrieval, October 11, 2023; documentary type limited to Articles, reviews, conference papers, books and book chapters).

1-3-2 Intellectual Property

The number of patents applied for domestically and internationally has been about 30 annually in the past three years and stayed higher than before. One reason for this is the progress made in large external collaborative research projects, which mostly resulted in patent applications, and those made in foreign countries is also increasing. While there will be variations in patent registrations according to the year, applications will continue to increase, and that trend is expected to be maintained in the midterm.
As for the breakdown of patent registrations by field, in the past most registrations were related to nanotechnology and materials, but now registrations in telecommunications and life science are increasing. Thus, there is a marked tendency to make applications in various fields of research.

1-3-3 Intra-university research grants

1-3-4 External research funds

The figures below show changes in the number of projects and total grant amounts for “research projects led by a Principal Investigator belonging to Sophia University.”
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) is Japan’s largest competitive funding program that supports various creative and pioneering “academic research” ranging from fundamental to applied research in all fields, including the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. In AY2022, after a decrease in the number of projects and amounts owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a major impact the previous year, the number of applications for and adoptions of new projects have started showing signs of recovery, resulting in an increasing trend in the overall number of projects and amounts, including continuing projects, compared to the previous year.
Contract Research/External Collaborative Research and Scholarship Research Donations are easily affected by social circumstances, economic circumstances, and research progress; they fluctuate year by year. However, it can be said that the result of organizational promotion of industry-government-academia collaboration is reflected in the increasing trend of the number of Contract Research and External Collaborative Research projects.