1-5 Sophia University Campus life

1-5-1 Total number of scholarship recipients

The number of scholarship recipients provided is the sum of total recipients of Sophia University Scholarships, JASSO Scholarships and other scholarships, outside the University. In AY2020, the total number of recipients almost doubled from the previous year owing to the start of a new study support system by the government and various types of support due to the spread of COVID-19. From AY2021 to AY2022, the COVID-19 support was partially limited and mainly provided to students with a higher degree of financial difficulty. On the other hand, a new study-support system and other systems have been increasingly adopted, and the total number of recipients is still increasing compared to AY2019.

1-5-2 Sophia University Scholarships: Number of Recipients

Sophia University Scholarships, a system unique to Sophia University, are roughly divided into two categories. One is for supporting students who have financial difficulty. (New Students Scholarship, Tuition Support Scholarships, Benefactors’ Scholarships, etc.). The other is for the encouragement of exceptional students (Academic Excellence Award, and various scholarships for the doctoral program). In addition to this, in AY2020, as emergency support due to the spread of COVID-19, a total of 1,840 students were provided with financial assistance, including a living support fund (100,000 yen) due to a reduction in part-time job income, and also after AY2021, mainly households that experienced sudden changes in their finances were provided with active support.
For international students paying their own expenses, selections were being made reflecting the actual conditions of life based on certificates such as part-time job income and remittance amount in Japan, and a support system based on a variety of nationalities and economic circumstances is in place.

1-5-3 Newly granted recipients of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship

JASSO Scholarships include Category 1 Loans (interest-free) and Category 2 Loans (with interest) and benefits (old system and new system). A new system for study support by the government started in AY2020, and 465 undergraduate students were included in the benefits. Also, 181 students were newly accepted in AY2021 and 176 in AY2022. Under this new system, JASSO provides monthly living expenses, and the government exempts tuition fees. The period of acceptance is limited to the number of years of study, but eligibility is reviewed every year based on academic performance and household financial situation.

1-5-4 Extracurricular student organizations and membership

Since the spring semester of AY2022, the activity status of student extracurricular activity groups has almost returned to the status before the spread of Covid-19. As a result, both the number of members and membership rate of student extracurricular activity groups have returned to the levels before the spread of Covid-19.

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