Wakeijuku was founded in 1955 by Kisaku Mayekawa, a Japanese philanthropist. The aim of Wakeijuku goes beyond pure academic pursuit, with a view to develop character and international understanding, it serves as a place where scholars, regardless of university affiliation, can experience frequent and free interchange with their peers in a residential environment.
The resident body of some 300 students of approximately various universities in the metropolitan Tokyo area consists of both Japanese and international students. The Wakeijuku campus offers to international students the opportunity to study traditional Japanese culture, customs and philosophy. An annual program of special courses in Karate, Kendo, Tea Ceremony, etc. is offered under the direction of leading individuals in their respective fields, and a wide variety of other student-organized activities are held throughout the year.
The main benefit for international students residing in Wakeijuku is the ability to eat, breathe, and speak Japanese 24 hours a day. Living together with a large number of Japanese students presents international members with a unique learning experience, a way to make lasting friendship, and valuable insights into the workings of Japanese society.
International students wishing to become residents of Wakeijuku are welcome without prejudice on the understanding that they will receive no special treatment as non-Japanese and that they recognize and adhere to the principles and rules of the establishment.

Basic Information

Address: 1-21-2, Mejirodai, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8682 JAPAN
Website: http://www.wakei.org/english/

Direction to Sophia

Cultural activities

The following cultural activities are held throughout the year.
Kendo, Iaido, Judo, Karate-do, Jikishinkage-Ryu (Japanese martial art of Swordsmanship), Japanese Calligraphy, Association of Chinese Classic Texts, Sado (Japanese Tea Ceremony), Go, Painting, Great Books Seminar.


Dormitory mate is requested to have a spirit of “help each other”. It is a basic manner of community life, and the rules and regulations mentioned below are to be respected.
*Polite and vigorous greetings should be addressed each other among dormitory mates, to Wakeijuku staff, and also to visitors to Wakeijuku.
*Dormitory mate is expected to have a mind to participate into various events and seminars held by Wakeijuku, through which, we are sure, you will have some idea to reflect your own self, also have a good opportunity to promote friendship with other dormitory mates.

west dorm
(Exterior of West dorm)
Tennis Court
(Tennis court)
(Cultural activities: Iaido)

Inquiries about the
contents of this page

Department Name
Center for Global Education and Discovery
Bldg.2, 1F