Student Status & Registration

Student Status

Generally, MEXT scholarship students will be first admitted as a Research Student (kenkyu ryugakusei in Japanese). At Sophia University, the student status is officially named Research student (kenkyu-sei).

About the Courses You Take

As Research Students, students can audit regular classes and Japanese Language classes. Please consult your advisor before deciding which classes to register for. We will inform you of the procedure for course registration before semester starts.

Students who have been decided that their Japanese proficiency is not enough to study, and research are required to enroll in the Japanese language course for the first semester at Sophia. In that case, you must take a Japanese placement test and enroll in the Japanese language course following the advisor’s instructions.

Notes for Japanese Language Program and Its Placement Test

Japanese Language Program

Japanese Placement Test

  • Those who would like to take Japanese language course must take a Japanese Placement Test.
    • For the schedule of the JPT, please refer to this page.
    • Beginner students who have never studied Japanese and wish to register for “Japanese 1”, will not be required to take the test, but must submit a survey.
  • You will be placed to the appropriate level following based on the results of the placement test and you are not allowed to change your class.
  • If you missed to take the test / submit a format, you will not be able to register Japanese language courses.
  • Students can register for Japanese Language course after the Japanese Placement Test result was released.
  • Further details will be provided via email.

Procedures for Arriving in Japan

Photo for Student ID card

Please send an image file of your photograph by email to the Center for Global Education and Discovery by February / August. The photograph will be used for your student ID card. We will inform you via email how to create its format.

CoE & VISA application

CoE will not be issued for MEXT Scholarship Students. Please wait for the contact from Embassy.

Flight Ticket

Your flight ticket will be prepared via Embassy around February (April Admission) / August (September Admission). Please wait for the contact.

Submission of Boarding Pass (ONLY for New arrival students)

Please keep all your boarding passes including transits and submit them to the Center for Global Education and Discovery by the specified deadline.

The Letter of Attorneys (ONLY for New arrival students)

Please fill out the Letter of attorneys (To Monbukagakusho) / the Letter of attorneys (To Sophia University) and submit them to the Center for Global Education and Discovery by the specified deadline.

Submission of Residence Card, Residence Certificate and National Health Insurance

You will receive your Residence Card at the airport.
Once you arrive in Japan, please register your address, and join the National Health Insurance at the municipal office in the district where you live.

Opening a Bank Account

The scholarship and allowances are remitted directly from the Monbukagakusho to a Japan Post Bank account, called “Yuucho Ginkou Tsuujou Chokin Kouza” in Japanese. Please open a “Yuucho Ginkou / Japan Post Bank” account at a post office as soon as you arrive in Japan and submit a copy of your bank passbook which includes: your registered name, the name of your bank and branch, and your account number to the Center for Global Education and Discovery by the specified deadline.

Miscellaneous Other Information about Entering Japan

Below is information for exchange students. Some of the information may not apply to MEXT scholarship students, but please refer to it for your reference.

Procedures for Arriving in Japan

List of Documents to Submit / Deadlines

# Form Deadline Check
1 Digital Photograph (for student ID card) February / August
via email
2 Boarding Passes
New arrival students ONLY
Early April/(April Admission)
Late September/(September Admission)

Submit at the office of Center for Global Education and Discovery

※The submission method and deadline will be sent via email separately.

3 Photocopy of your “Yuucho Ginkou” account
4 Photocopy of your residence card (both side)
5 a copy of “Certificate of Residence”
6 Photocopy of your “Japanese National Health Insurance” card
7 Letter of Attorney (To Monbukagakusho)
New arrival students ONLY
8 Letter of Attorney (To Sophia University)


Contact Information

MEXT Scholarship Coordinator

Center for Global Education and Discovery (1st floor, Bldg#2), Yotsuya Campus
Mon. – Fri. 10:00-11:30 12:30-15:30 (Outside of class period 12:30-15:30)
Tel: 03-3238-4090 / email: