FIND SOPHIA is the official campus media for Sophia University students, discovering a variety of topics closely related to campus life. FIND SOPHIA also features topics about resident life, activities and various stories about Sophia dormitories. If you want to explore our Sophia dormitory, please visit FIND SOPHIA.

List of Articles

The long-awaited in-person events: Looking back on events at Sophia Dormitory of the Spring 2022

In this article, we will look back on the Spring semester events held at our Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence).

Helping residents doing job-hunting in Japan—Career seminars held at Soshigaya Dormitory

In this issue, we introduce the career seminars at the Soshigaya International House (Soshigaya Dorm), a dormitory directly managed by Sophia University.

(Article in Japanese only)
環境問題を「楽しい体験」に ~第10回全国学生英語プレゼンテーションコンテストで受賞~


What is living in a student dormitory like? Sharing our dorm experiences through Instagram!

This time, we talked to Moe Shiojiri (3rd year, Faculty of Liberal Arts), Maho Fujimoto (3rd year, Faculty of Liberal Arts), and Keietsu Fukushima (2nd year, Faculty of Global Studies), who are LGLs in charge of sharing interesting aspects of the dormitory life on Arrupe’s Instagram.

(Article in Japanese only)
小さな一歩が未来を変える あなたはこしあん派? つぶあん派?

あなたはペットボトル飲料を飲みましたか? 日本国内で消費されるペットボトルの本数は1人あたり年間183本と言われています。レジ袋の有料化など、プラスチックごみへの関心が高まっている今、私たちに何ができるでしょう。上智大学の直営寮の1つである「アルペ国際学生寮」における面白い取り組みをご紹介します。

(Article in Japanese only)


(Article in Japanese only)
【上智学生記者クラブ通信】#137 上智大学直営寮や専用寮ってどんなところ? 各寮の良いところ探検隊


(Article in Japanese only)
【上智学生記者クラブ通信】#058「寮」、そこは最も国際交流ができる場所 ~リアルな寮の様子をお伝えします!~


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