Preparation for Entering Japan


  • Apply VISA with CoE and acceptance letter. If you would like to part-time job in Japan, prepare the application for working permit. (see this page)

Flight Information

  • Purchase a flight ticket, ONLY AFTER you have received the CoE and have a good prospect of getting a VISA with an appointment at the Embassy.
    We strongly recommend to prepare a flexible flight.
  • Be sure to plan to arrive in Japan by the designated arrival date. (see this page)
    We do not accept arrivals later than that day. Please understand that there are many scheduled activities from the Orientation day to the first day of classes.
  • Access the Sophia Go Global Portal and fill out the Arrival Form by the designated date (usually about 3 weeks prior to the orientation day).


  • It is your responsibility to contact the housing to let them know the newest move-in date and time. Most dormitories and accommodation facilities have specified check-in dates and times.
  • For students who arranged their housing through Sophia University, please note that your expected arrival date reported to Sophia will NOT be shared with the dormitories. Early entry for the dormitories can be available, usually a couple days of the designated arrival date with / without additional fee. However, please consult directly to the dormitory agency by yourself.
  • For the directions to the Sophia Dormitories and Sophia Associated Dormitories, please see this page.

Immunization, Medication Notice and Insurance

  • Read the information carefully on our web site about Immunization, Medication Notice and Insurance. (see this page) If you are currently taking medication or have a medical condition, be sure to read this information and make appropriate preparations prior to your arrival.

Funds and Money carrying to Japan

  • Please bring enough CASH for your first few weeks in Japan – opening bank account may take some weeks and there may be places where your credit cards cannot be used.
  • Please prepare sufficient study abroad funds for unforeseen circumstances.

Arrival in Japan

  • Check Current Japanese Border Measures.
  • We recommend students to resister Visit Japan Web to expedite your Quarantine, Immigration and Custom procedure.
  • Arrive in Japan by the designated arrival date and move to your accommodation by yourself.