
As this brief account has made clear, the spirit of Sophia student dormitories has endured for more than a century. Although their concrete form has changed from St. Aloysius Hall through Bosch Town and Sophia House to existing dormitories, student dormitories have remained a place to practice Catholic education, a site for international cultural exchange, and a home that encourages the growth of independent persons. To contribute to the university’s Centennial Anniversary Fund Drive, the Sophia Student Dormitory Alumni Association established in April 2011 a new scholarship scheme known as Sophia Student Dormitory Scholarship. Former residents’ affection toward the university never wanes, and continues in the form of support for younger generations of students. We hope that this exhibition provides all the visitors, not just former residents but also non-resident students who only knew about the life of dormitory residents from the outside, with an opportunity to think about the role which student dormitories have played in the history of Sophia. Regarding St. Aloysius Hall and Bosch Town, please also see the following pages from the “Learning about SOPHIA on the web” series:

To former residents of Sophia dormitories

At Sophia Archives, we are collecting materials and information on the university’s dormitories. Please contact us if you have any materials, especially photos from the era of St. Aloysius Hall. Thank you very much for your cooperation.