Our approach to gender and sexual diversity


1.Available procedures and support

Changing your name

Students who are not comfortable with their documented name may request a consultation about changing their name on the student register. Once procedures are taken to change one’s name, certificates issued by the university will bear the name registered. Therefore, students will need to explain the inconsistency of their name when requested clarification outside the university. The university can also issue an explanatory note regarding the approach it takes on student names and its registration.  

Contact: Academic Records Section, Center for Academic Affairs (1F Bldg. No. 2; 03-3238-3519)

Changing your Gender marker

The gender marker on the school register will be the same as the gender marker registered on the Koseki (family register) or passport. If the gender marker on the Koseki or passport has been changed, please submit an application with documents to verify the change.

Contact: Academic Records Section, Center for Academic Affairs (1F Bldg. No. 2; 03-3238-3519)

Gender distinction is not indicated on the following certificates issued by the university. (Issuing departments are indicated in angle brackets <>)
・Certificate of enrollment, academic transcript, certificate of expected graduation,
certificate of graduation <Center for Academic Affairs>
・Student ID Card <Center for Academic Affairs>
・Student Travel Discount Certificate <Center for Student Affairs>
・Certificate of Medical Checkup <Health and Wellbeing Center>


Gender distinction is only included in the course registration list used by faculty members when deemed necessary for class operation. 
e.g.: locker rooms for physical education classes, room assignments at accommodations during seminar camps, honorifics, etc. 

Medical Checkup

Individual medical checkup is available instead of a group medical checkup. 
If you wish to have an individual medical checkup, please contact the Health and Wellbeing Center Health Services.

Contact: Health and Wellbeing Center Health Services (Hoffman Hall 2F, 03-3238-3394)

Study Abroad

If you have any concerns or questions regarding participating in study abroad programs, such as a student exchange or a short-term study abroad program, offered by the university please contact the Center for Global Education and Discovery.

 Contact: Center for Global Education and Discovery (Bldg. No. 2, 1F; 03-3238-3521)


Restrooms on Campus

“Restroom for Everyone (Minna no Toilet)” are located throughout the campus and are accessible to everyone regardless of gender.

Please check the Accessibility Map for locations of designated “Restroom for Everyone”. Accessibility Map  

Changing rooms

Changing rooms used for classes are separated by gender.
Changing rooms for extracurricular activities and other non-class use are located in the following three locations:
・ Gymnasium B1F Judo/Kendo Hall (men only)
・ Gymnasium 1F (women only)
・ Hoffman Hall Training Center (segregated men’s and women’s rooms)
Currently, there are no gender-neutral changing rooms, private changing rooms, or shower rooms. For students who wish to use a non-gender segregated changing room, please use “Restroom for Everyone (Minna no Toilet)” that are equipped with changing tables.
“Restroom for Everyone” equipped with changing tables can be found in the following locations: Bldg. No. 2 1F; Bldg. No. 3 FB1-F5; Bldg. No. 4 6F; Bldg. No. 6 2F-6F, 17F


Sophia University operates and manages three dormitories.
・ Edagawa Men’s Dormitory (men only)
・ Soshigaya International House (for both men and women)
・ Arrupe International Residence (for both men and women)
Living areas at the Soshigaya International House and Arrupe International Residence are separated by gender.
Contact: Center for Student Affairs, Dormitory Section (03-3238-4621)

In addition to Sophia dormitories, the university also provides information regarding other designated and/or recommended dormitories and student apartments, etc. operated by cooperating companies. These include housing options that includes with or without meals, those with private/shared kitchens and bathrooms, etc. (Please note that requests may not be fully met due to room availability or other reasons.)
Housing information website

3.Consultation service

As with other student services, consultation on topics relating to gender and sexuality are made available to students at the following university offices. Depending on your consultation and the corresponding department, services can be provided at various capacities. Regardless of the initial contact point, you will be guided to an appropriate department based upon your needs. The contents of the consultation will be kept strictly confidential. Information will only be shared within the university with the student’s expressed consent.

Health and Wellbeing Center

■Student Information Service
 “Student Information Service” can be reached to make consultations on various problems and concerns related to university life. Depending on the nature of the consultation, we can provide advice towards solutions or make referrals to appropriate department or external organizations if needed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems or are unsure of where to go for a consultation. Please apply through the Student Information Service.

■Counseling Services (Bldg. No. 10, 3F, Phone: 03-3238-3559)
 Counseling Services allows students to discuss with trained counselors on various issues that impact their student life ranging from small to large concerns. Counseling Services provides support in assisting students on finding concrete ways to cope with and resolve challenges students may encounter in their student life. Counselors hold an understanding of gender and sexuality concerns that students may experience. Please feel free to consult with us about any problems you may have in your student life or other mental health concerns. Appointments must be made by phone for consultation.

■Health Services (Hoffman Hall 2F, 03-3238-3394)
Health Services help support students’ physical and mental health. For mental health issues, psychiatrists are available for specialized consultations, including gender and sexuality concerns. Please check the Health Services website for consultation hours.

Center for Student Affairs (Building 2, 1st floor, 03-3238-3525)

The Center for Student Affairs provides counseling on scholarships, extracurricular activities, and housing (including dormitories).

 Career Center (Building 2, 1st floor, 03-3238-3581)

The Career Center offers counseling on employment and career paths. Students may request for an appointment with a counselor who has completed the Basic LGBTQ Training course. In which case students should contact the e-mail address below, including providing several dates you wish to have the consultation. For more information on individual consultation times, please refer to Loyola>Employment and Career Support>Web Career Center.
Email: gdcareer-co@sophia.ac.jp

Harassment Consulting Office

When a student has been harassed by a member of the Sophia School Corporation, regardless of whether the harassment is related to gender identity or sexual orientation, the Harassment Consulting Office or a consultant staffed by faculty and staff can be consulted with at the following website.
Requesting appointment

To further strengthen measures to prevent harassment, the university has a “Sophia School Corporation Off-Campus Harassment Consultation Service” in addition to the Harassment Consulting Office and the consultation system established on campus comprised of harassment consultants. It is important that you do not have to suffer alone if you have been a victim of harassment. If you are a victim of harassment, please contact the consultation office that is most accessible to you as soon as possible. Please check the following link carefully before making your consultation via the dedicated hotline (by phone), website, in writing, or by email.
Off-Campus Harassment Consultation Service

Introduction to external consultation services

■ Yorisoi Hotline (external service) 0120-279-338
Consultation on gender dysphoria and homosexuality. Dedicated hotline for sexual minorities.

■ Chiyoda-ku MIW (Center for Gender Equality) (external service) 03-5211-4316 
The Center offers 50-minute per session consultations by phone or in person to residents, workers, and students of Chiyoda-ku and their families.

■Pride House Tokyo Legacy
 Counseling and support for LGBTQ+ individuals are offered through the following three consultation services. Their website should be visited for full details:
・Wraparound Support: a free wellness support program for LGBTQ+ children and youth
・LGBTQ+ Life Counseling Service: a counseling service for LGBTQ+ individuals and those who are questioning with an aim to support and acknowledge their problems and distresses.
・LGBTQ+ Legal Counseling by Lawyers

4.Outreach events, etc.

Office for the Promotion of Diversity

The Office holds LGBTQ+ training and awareness events on an irregular basis. During Diversity Week (November 25 – December 10), students may take part in the planning of a variety of events aimed at promoting diversity and awareness on campus.
Office for the Promotion of Diversity Website
Inquiries about events:wrsswg@sophia.ac.jp

5.Efforts to address the need to collect gender information

Sophia University is currently reconsidering the need for collecting gender information on campus as part of its efforts to create an environment that respects diversity. Based on this basic policy, we will gradually remove the “Gender column” for those deemed unnecessary after a university-wide review. 

■ Basic Policy on the Collection and Use of Student Gender Information
・ Sophia University shall collect and use gender information only when there are reasonable grounds to do so; based on the recognition that gender information is a matter of personal dignity, values, and way of life, and after careful consideration on the necessity of collecting gender information.
・ Although the information submitted upon enrollment includes gender information, the university shall strictly manage the information in accordance with the “Handling of Personal Information” (Privacy Policy). This information shall only be used by faculty and staff involved in carrying out specified purposes.
・ Gender information shall only be included in course registration lists for faculty members when such information is required for class operation but will not be included on certificates issued by the university (academic transcripts, graduation certificates, medical certificates, etc.).
・ The administrative sections, faculties, and graduate schools, etc. shall not collect gender information individually after enrollment except when there are reasonable and unavoidable reasons, such as the examples listed below.
・Even when collecting information for reasonable reasons, we understand that gender verification may cause mental distress to some members; and therefore, the university will be mindful of response options and the voluntary nature of responses, as described in the principles below.
・ We will continuously review our policies by verifying the necessity of collection and use.

■ Principles for collecting gender information after enrollment (except in cases where the University cannot change the information based on laws and regulations)
・ Respondents will be asked to choose from the following options: “Male”, “Female”,” Non-binary”, and “Prefer not to respond”.
・ Different wording or open-ended questions are allowed when the collection of relevant information is for research purposes and there is a need for such approaches.
・ When possible, responses regarding gender information should be optional.

■Cases where there would be reasonable grounds for collecting and using gender information
・ Collection and use of gender information in forms and items specified by external organizations such as government offices.
・ Collection and use of gender information for the use of facilities and equipment, such as entry to competitions, etc. that require gender distinction.
・ Collection and use of gender information when required for medical purposes.
・ Collection and use of gender information to confirm the gender ratio for the purposes of implementing measures to eliminate gender discrimination.
・ Collection and use of gender information for academic research, social surveys, and statistics.