Learning How to Learn (for Spring 2025 New Students)


Series 3-8 の各回には確認クイズがあります。各動画の閲覧後に回答してください。日・英のいずれかを回答してください。
Series 9-11に確認クイズはありませんが、最終課題(エッセイ課題、学習目標課題)が課されます。

“Learning How to Learn” is a mandatory pre-enrollment course for all the new undergraduate students entering Sophia. The course comprises 11 sections (hereafter, “Series”) of video lectures, reference materials, and assignments. Please watch them in order. Each video has Japanese (日本語) and English versions or Japanese with English subtitles. You may watch in any language; however, Series 6 has versions designated for specific faculties/programs.

From Series 3 to 8, you will need to complete quizzes. Make sure to complete them after watching each video. You only need to complete one quiz, either in English or Japanese.
Series 9-11 do not have quizzes; however, you must complete two final assignments: a “Learning Goal” assignment and an essay assignment.

  • すべての動画を見なければいけませんか。
    - はい。上智大学のルーツや教育精神を理解した上で、様々な機会や学びのデザインについて考えるという科目ですので、最初から順番に視聴してください。
  • Do I have to watch all the videos?
    - Yes, please watch all the videos in order. The course aims to help you consider various learning opportunities and design your learning based on a deeper understanding of Sophia’s roots and educational spirit.
  • 編入生ですが、「学びを学ぶ」を受講しなければなりませんか。
    - はい。編入生も受講対象となります。
  • I am a transfer student. Am I required to take “Learning How to Learn”?
    - Yes. Transfer students must complete the course as well.

「学びを学ぶ」に関する問い合わせ先 / For inquiry about “Learning How to Learn”
基盤教育センター / Center for Liberal Education & Learning

Series 1 序章 / Introduction

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
◇「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 1 / “Learning How to Learn” 1 (日本語 & English Sub)

Sophia University President Miki Sugimura discusses why we should “Learn How to Learn,” the significance and implications of studying at a university, and why specifically at Sophia. Please consider what learning means to you based on why you decided to study at Sophia. (Please note that the first few minutes of the greeting are in Japanese but followed by the same message in English.)

There is no assignment for this session.

Series 2 「学びを学ぶ」受講方法 /
How to take “Learning How to Learn”

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
◇「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 2 (日本語)
◇ Learning How to Learn 2 (English)

This video explains the progression of this online course, “Learning How to Learn,” and a few essential points to remember when working on it.

■参考資料 / References

There is no assignment for this session.

Series 3 上智大学のルーツと歴史 /
Roots and History of Sophia University

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
◇ Learning How to Learn 3 (English)


This video series, including animations, summarizes Sophia’s roots and history. Please note that the contents are from 2013 since it was initially aired at the Centennial Celebration 2013.


Please also note that the English statement of the educational philosophy has been revised as of January 2022. Please see the announcement below.

■確認クイズ / Quiz

Series 4 上智大学の教育精神 /
Educational Philosophy of Sophia University

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
学びを学ぶ / Learning How to Learn 4 [Part 1] (日本語 & English Sub)
◇学びを学ぶ / Learning How to Learn 4 [Part 2] (日本語 & English Sub)
◇学びを学ぶ / Learning How to Learn 4 [Part 3] (日本語 & English Sub)

Three Jesuit priests associated with Sophia discuss the university’s educational philosophy. This section is divided into three parts. Please watch them in order.

■参考資料 / References

■確認クイズ / Quiz

Series 5 上智大学の学びを俯瞰する 1 ~学びのコンセプトとカリキュラム~ / Learning at Sophia ~Concept of Learning and Curriculum~

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
◇「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 5(日本語)
Learning How to Learn 5 (English)

This video explains the differences between high school/secondary education and university/higher education, including the importance of continuous learning in today’s society. In the latter half of the video, current students introduce their learning experiences. Please note that the latter half is in Japanese with English subtitles.

■参考資料 / Reference

■確認クイズ / Quiz

Series 6 上智大学の学びを俯瞰する 2 ~全学共通科目の各カテゴリー~
Learning at Sophia ~Categories of General Studies Subjects~

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 6 (日本語)
◇ Learning How to Learn 6 (For FLA Students)
◇ Learning How to Learn 6 (for SPSF & FST English Courses)

This video introduces the University-wide General Studies courses and curriculum. Learn about the characteristics of each category and how they connect with specialized education courses.

Please note that there are two videos in English: one for the Faculty of Liberal Arts (FLA) and the other for SPSF and English-based programs at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology.

■確認クイズ / Quiz

Series 7 座学を越えて「実践・経験」 /
Beyond the Classroom: Praxis & Experience

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 7 / “Learning How to Learn” 7 [Part 1] (日本語 & English Sub)
Learning How to Learn 7 [Part 2] (English)

At Sophia, students’ learning goes beyond the classroom. Current students share their learning experiences beyond the classroom, such as Study Abroad, Social Engagement Programs, Internship Courses, and extracurricular activities. The second part features a conversation among three students regarding their experiences in circles whose foci are various social issues on and off campus.

■参考資料 / References

  1. グローバル教育 WEBページ / Global Education Webpage
  2. 2025年度留学ハンドブック / Handbook for Study Abroad 2025 (3月31日より公開いたします / The Handbook will be available from March 31))
  3. X of the Center for Global Education and Discovery: @Sophia_GoGlobal

■確認クイズ / Quiz

Series 8 なぜ大学で語学を学ぶのか /
Reasons for Learning Languages at University

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
Learning How to Learn 8 (English)

動画内で言及される「CLER」とは、言語教育研究センター(Center for Language Education and Research)の略称です。
This video overviews the language education curriculum at Sophia and why learning languages at university is essential. Student testimonials will also share their experiences.

The video refers to ”CLER,” which stands for “Center for Language Education and Research.”

■参考資料 / References


Series 9 私は上智大学でこう学んだ /
How I Learned at Sophia

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 9 (日本語)
Learning How to Learn 9 [Part 1] (English)
Learning How to Learn 9 [Part 2] (English)

上智の卒業生が、上智で何を学び、その学びがどのように現在のキャリアに繋がっているかを語ります。キャリアとはどういったことなのか、考えながら聞いてみてください。Part 2は国際教養学部の卒業生のため、英語です。
Sophia graduates share what they learned at Sophia and how their learning is connected to their current careers. Listen to their stories and think about what “career” means to them. Part 2 features an FLA alumni and is in English.

There is no quiz for this series.

■参考資料 / References

  1. キャリア・就職支援WEBページ(日本語) / Career Development Support Website(English)
  2. 刊行物・就職(内定先)統計 / Career Office Statistics and Placement Ratio (English)
  3. Self-Discovery Magazine『SOPHIA STYLE』2025(4月上旬公開予定 / To be available in early April)
  4. Career Center Social Media
    ・LINE: @sophia_line
    ・Instagram: @Sophia_Career
    ・X of the Career Center: @Sophia_career

Series 10 学びをデザインする /
Designing Your Learning

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 10(日本語)
Learning How to Learn 10 (English)

How would you design your learning at university? How would you combine Specialized Education, General Studies, and a variety of other learning opportunities in the forthcoming four years? How can you utilize university resources to enrich your learning? This section gives you tips for these questions.

There is no quiz for this series.

■参考資料 / References

Series 11 キリスト教人間学「他者のために、他者とともに」
Christian Humanism “For Others, With Others”

【講義動画 / Lecture Video】
学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 11 [Part 1](日本語)
Learning How to Learn 11 [Part 1] (English)
「学びを学ぶ」シリーズ 11 [Part 2] / Learning How to Learn 11 [Part 2] (日本語 & English Sub)

This section consists of two parts: a lecture and a dialogue by faculty members. It introduces the topic of the first-year compulsory course and the characteristics of Studies in Christian Humanism courses. You are encouraged to return to Sophia’s educational philosophy and roots and consider the uniqueness of learning at Sophia.

There is no quiz for this series.

■参考資料 / References

【最終課題 / Final Assignments】


★最終課題の詳細 (PDF)
【提出締切(厳守):4月6日 11:59 pm, JST】


There are two final assignments: (1) thinking about your “Learning Goals” and how to accomplish them throughout the four years at Sophia; (2) an essay assignment about Sophia’s educational philosophy, “For Others, With Others.” Please see the following instructions for submitting the two final assignments.

★Details of Final Assignments (PDF)
Submission Period: April 1-6
【Submission Due Date (absolute): April 6, 11:59 pm, JST】

You must submit them through the Sophia University Self-Learning Portfolio System, which will be accessible as of April 1. You are strongly advised to prepare your assignments well in advance and submit them during the above submission period.
Sophia’s faculty and staff may view your assignments. The essay assignment will be used in one of the first-year compulsory courses.